Sagan Heritage Hotel Yogyakarta - Loker Hotelier
Sagan Heritage Hotel Yogyakarta, we are hiring!
• Waitress (DW)
• Steward (DW)
Qualifications :
1. Female (Waitress), Male (Steward)
2. Experience at hotel or restaurant
3. Well groomed & good personality
4. Good communication & interpersonal skill
5. Able to perform upselling of special dishes (waitress)
6. Familiar with DSI Big system
7. Passionate, enthusiastic, creative, responsible and energetic personality work as a team & individual
8. Able to join ASAP
Please send your CV to: [email protected]
Subject: Position_Your Name
Sagan Heritage Hotel
Jl Kartini no 4, Terban, gondokusuman, Yogyakarta 55223