J4 Hotels Legian - Loker Hotelier
J4 Hotels Legian (???? Hotel with 190 rooms) is currently looking for :
1. Daily Worker Waiter/s
2. Daily Worker Cook Helper
3. Daily Worker GSA
4. Daily Worker Steward
5. Accounting Staff
Qualification :
a. Minimum 6 months experience ini similar position (1,2,3,4)
b. Minimum 1 year experience in accounting (5)
c. Bachelor / Diploma degree
d. Maximum 30 years old (5)
e. Maximum 25 years old (1,2,3,4)
f. Have a good understanding of Income Audit, Account Receivalble and Account Payable (5)
g. Good Communication
h. Attention to detail
i. Strong motivated, honest and discipline
If any of you would like to be a part of our team, please send your Personal CV and latest photograph with email subject :
J4Hotels (Position) to: [email protected]